Thursday, July 28, 2011

From Activity to Activity

Today was a day of non stop activities. After one thing was over it was time to start the next thing and there was no stopping until the finishing of my Human Biology exam tonight. We woke up at a normal time, got everyone dressed and fed. The first event was lead testing. The program we used for the lead renovation required that the kids be lead tested again at the end of the renovation. We had already gotten the babies tested on Monday and Landon lucked out since he was six he didn't need tested.Jadzia and Xander weren't thrilled with the idea of getting their fingers poked but after it was over the lab tech gave them coloring books and crayons. They were further rewarded by getting to get their summer reading prizes from the library. Landon had gotten his before he had left for my in-laws' last week. The deadline to collect prizes is Saturday so we needed to get it done. They got the same prizes as Landon: a book, t-shirt and envelope of coupons. The coupons include a zoo ticket, free small pizza and free mall pretzel.

Jadzia got a strawberry mouse book that was entirely written in Spanish. She is lucky she has Grandparents who can interrupt it for her.

Ronan's OT arrived ten minutes after we arrived home. The session lasted about an hour and I had the big kids eating lunch while the session was going on. Fifteen minutes after the therapist left Jadzia and I headed out the door to her first eye check-up. She did a really good job and followed the ophthalmologist's directions precisely. He said her eyes were perfect and they finished the visit off with stickers as a reward.Jadzia and I went grocery shopping where she picked out some strawberry milk for herself. She also had to try all the hats in the girl section on. The store was giving out chocolate pie samples. After trying the pie we had to buy some milk to wash it down with. I can see why their sample stand was in such close proximity to the milk case.I ran by the pharmacy to pick up Ronan's meds which they still did not have done even though I had called them in three hours ago and told the lady on the phone I'd be picking them up in two hours. They asked me if I could wait a half an hour so they could get them ready. I couldn't because we barely had time to make it home to make dinner so I could get to my Biology final in time.

I had to leave the meds and scurry home. I got dinner made and just as predicted after everyone was fed and changed it was time to leave. I had incorporated studying throughout the day. In the waiting rooms, in the pharmacy line, and the few minutes between activities. I felt I was ready but I left ten minutes early to give myself more study time in silence. I finished my final within 20 minutes and my teacher graded it on the spot. I nervously sat waiting. He showed me my exam grade as well as my total grade for the entire class. I was happy that I ended my Human Biology class with a 101%. I'm still waiting for my two online classes grades. Upon completion I should receive my associates. I start classes again on August 24th. Propelling ever forward to getting my ultrasound technician degree.

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