Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Standing on your Head Contest

We are on 325 consecutive posts. I have not missed a single day of posting for the last 325 days. I can't believe it's been that long since I started this blog and that I actually kept at it. 40 more days and I will have completed this year long challenge. It's been a very rewarding project and I'm glad I decided to do this.

Today my mom took the three big kids to my sister in-law's for a play date. I had just the babies for the majority of the day. This proved to be a beneficial idea since the big kids were becoming desperate for ideas to keep busy. The boy's were having contests to see how long they could stand on their heads.Xander put on a little show for us. He was a superhero and demonstrated some karate moves. Of course since this was Xander telling the story the plot took many comedic turns. I especially liked his shoked face that resembled the classic Macaulay Culkin shaving face.`Jadzia and I had a short walk to load all of our laundry into my mom's car trunk. My mom was generous enough to offer to wash the large mountain that was our dirty clothes. Jadzia was a big help she carried the bottle of shout. On the way back up she noticed the pretty yellow daffodils and had to smell them.Shortly after the big kids left for their play date Ronan's in home therapist arrived. She was excited to see how well he is walking. We took a little field trip to see if he could climb down the stairs. He got so scared when we guided him to go down the stairs that we decided to leave it alone for now. Instead we had him walk the hall of the hotel. He went pretty far before wearing out at which point he purposely sat on the ground and scooted on his bottom.
Inara does not have a true desire to walk. She'll walk when she wants my attention because she knows when I see her I will get excited and clap. She will get up walk then sit down and give me a huge expectant grin. I of course will clap and talk to her in an overly enthusiastic voice. Also if I hold both her hands or even one she will walk like a pro. But if I try to get her to walk she firmly sits down and refuses.I've decided not to push it. What's the hurry anyway? I currently have Ronan who is gaining walking speed more everyday. I figure let me get used to chasing him for a little while before I have them both walking in opposite directions.This afternoon I got a call from Ronan's sub-specialty clinic. He has three doctors at this clinic. The one for tomorrow is his surgeon who did his esophagus surgery when Ronan was 1 day old. He sees this doctor on an annual basis and will for many years to come. The surgery Ronan had is rare and then Ronan on top of that had an even more rare aspect. For this reason they want to follow his outcome long term.The surgeon's office called to let me know they'd had a cancellation with the neurologist. Ronan was supposed to see the neurologist next week but since it was at the same clinic as is surgeon they offered me the cancellation spot. This way Ronan can have his surgeon appointment and then the neurologist will see him directly after. I was happy that we could get both appointments done at the same time.

Baths are now in order,the big kids were outside with their cousins all day. They came home happy and tired. Just the way I like them to be at bed time. After baths I might let them watch a short movie in bed and then lights out.

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