Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life As Normal

Even while living in the hotel life must go on as normal as possible. This meant Ronan would have his normal Tuesday therapy session. The hotel is considerably closer to his therapy than our house is. I left a little later than normal and thought I knew the right route. I turned too soon into this winding residential area. I turned what should have been a five to ten minute trip into a twenty minute trip and we were a little late.

His PT was very excited to see Ronan was still walking more than he was crawling. In fact now he doesn't want to sit at all. He is on the go constantly and gets frustrated when he is stopped. He can even walk sideways and backwards with ease.

I picked up a quick lunch for the kids on the way home and then I had to leave right away. Ronan needed to get his eyes measured for his eye muscle surgery. He will be having surgery on July 18th and it should take about an hour. He'll get to go home as soon as he is awake enough as long as he doesn't have an asthma attack. He is also getting a different pair of glasses. The ones he just got ended up being too big and kept falling off all of the time. They will be the same shape as his old ones but will be a royal blue color.Xander has a new nickname for Inara. He calls her "Little peanut". He came up with this name for her seemingly on his own. Inara is becoming such a big girl. She is taking steps more and more everyday. Her hair is starting to get thicker making her look older.

Inara also still loves her two fingers on her left hand and has since she was about three months old. I always know when she is tired or upset because she has her too fingers in her mouth. It has sort of become her signature.
Jadzia looked styling today with her pink hat. She wore it most of the day. She loves accessories and if we let her she would have a closet full of hats, shoes and jewelry.

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