Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Have to Phone Pest Control

As you can tell from the pictures Ronan was much happier today. He still had his moments of pouting and crying but overall he did well. His eyes are still super red and the doctor said they would be for over a month. They look so sore and I cringe each time I have to put his eye drops in.

Inara has officially entered the world of a toddler. All she has been doing all day is walking. The only time she crawled was when she had a hold of the remote and was trying to get away from me as quickly as possible.Landon's obsession for the day has been the phone book. He is practicing his reading by studying the phone book. His ultimate goal was to find the section on pest control. He flipped nearly every page until he read the word pest. He brought the phone book over to me in triumph. "I found the pest control section! Now I can call them!" I inquired as to why he wanted to call pest control. He stated "Because they are cool they have the power to control bugs with their mind.".

We are moving back into our house tomorrow and will officially check out of the hotel on Friday morning. My in-laws are coming down to take the big kids back with them. This way I can get everything organized without too many little helpers. It will be good to be back home. I'm just not looking forward to all the unpacking and organization. It needs to be done though and when it is I will be very happy. The renovation went really well and everything looks great. There's no place like home not even a hotel with work free breakfast, maid service and a swimming pool.

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