Monday, July 11, 2011

Elmo Love

Ronan had his check up today to see if he was healthy enough to undergo his eye muscle surgery. His surgery will take place one week from today. Ronan's eye doctor told us that not only will this help Ronan's vision but it will also enhance his brain development. He will finally be able to focus properly on the world around him and will better be able to soak in everything he is learning. The doctor also said the results for his eyes will be immediate. As soon as he is awake his eyes should no longer move strangely.This will definitely be different. I'm looking forward to seeing Ronan being able to focus which is something that has been hard for him since he was a baby. I'm looking forward to seeing if this will help him in the play tasks he has had trouble completing. He will still have to wear his glasses (when he will keep them on) but his eyes will be under his control.

Another random fact about Ronan is he loves Elmo. He will be playing on the floor and if Elmo comes on the tv he will jump up and start watching him. He also waves at Elmo and claps for him. This is something he does not do for any other television character. For Christmas we tried to find him a small stuffed Elmo. He has tiny, short fingers and has a hard time holding onto big items. All I was able to find were the big elaborate talking, dancing Elmos. I'm wondering at this point if they even make a small Elmo that doesn't talk.

Inara is crossing the walking threshold. She walked as much as she crawled today. I was in the bedroom doing something on my computer and I was excited to see her walk into the room to see me. I think her running and me chasing is in my near future.

Tomorrow I must extract the big kids from the hotel room and get them fresh air. They did get out for a little while on Sunday and we did go swimming. I think they need to be outside. I may let them run around on the giant hotel lawn tomorrow. They can spin in circles, do cartwheels or just run their pinned up energy out.

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