Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Bad, Bad"

Inara is 13 months today. She is walking almost everywhere now. The hotel room is small so she sometimes gives up and crawls. She has now gained the motivation to walk. I had been told to be prepared that her speech might regress when she starts to concentrate on walking. The brain has to learn to walk and talk separately then it has to figure out how to put them together. So far she is still just as much of a chatter box as before.

She recently discovered the plug ins. I warned her they were bad and would cause ouchies. Now she walks over and points at them and says "Bad. Bad." "Bad" is her new word for anything I tell her no to. Today my computer keys were bad, the oven was bad and the lamp cord was bad. It's good to see she is learning.Ronan has learned a new skill. He has learned to undress himself and I am very proud of his accomplishment. The only problem is this includes everything including his diaper. I have found him streaking on a few occasions today. This is one of those accomplishments you are glad he figured out the skill but you wish he'd also have learned when to use it. Anyway you look at this is a big deal for him seeing as a couple of months ago he wouldn't even put his arms through the sleeves of his shirt when I dressed him.Today was another day of not getting out of the hotel. I'm going to make it a point for us to get outside tomorrow and take a walk. Today I had a lot of class work I had to get done and that is the main reason we stayed in. The kids are handling everything great.

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