Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ronan's Photo Shoot

The big guys are back! I missed them a lot and I'm glad to have them home. They had a good time and I was told that swimming was their favorite part. They brought new clothes for Jadzia from my in-laws' neighbor. Their neighbor has twin girls and the last few times the kids have gone up there the neighbor has been kind enough to pass on her girls' clothes to Zia. Jadzia's favorite is a beautiful purple polka dot dress worthy of a princess. The dress is absolutely gorgeous and I promised Jadzia she could wear it to church on Sunday.There was also two sets of blue tiger pjs that the boys claimed for themselves. Ronan has the same pair if only I could find them at the moment.

Before the return of the kids I was getting together things for Ronan's buddy walk team. We are doing custom t-shirts this year with his picture and team name on them. Also they are putting up pictures of the kids along with their biography. I needed to get some pictures of Ronan. I did a little photo shoot of him. Here are some that I took.

I know I'm a bit partial but I think he's rather cute. As you can tell from the yawning above he was pretty bored of me snapping pictures of him.Inara is climbing, on everything. She just got a little wooden chair that she loves. Miss smarty pants realized if she pushed it over to the window she could climb on it and see out better. She is also climbing on any box she finds. I need to hurry and unpack all the boxes. She is one very busy 13 month old.We also need to have a little chat about how to care for babies. She carried her doll around all morning saying "I bite!" and then she would bite her doll. Maybe it's teething aggression.Ronan got a new bed . His other one was having sink hole issues. He smiled and laughed when I let him try it out for the first time.
Lastly here are more photos of my silly Pajama bunch, back together and ready for bed. Just in case you're wondering Xander is attempting to sign "I love you".`

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